Colors and Palettes: Function Summary


Returns the display driver's color depth in bits per pixel.


Creates a logical palette containing Fastgraph's default colors.


Returns the current color, as defined in the most recent call to fg_setcolor() or fg_setcolorrgb().


Retrieves the red, green, and blue color components of a contiguous block of color entries in the active logical or virtual palette. Each color component is a value between 0 and 255; increasing values produce more intense colors. Reading many color values with fg_getdacs() is considerably faster than doing so individually with fg_getrgb().


Returns the active virtual buffer's color depth in bits per pixel.


Returns the red, green, and blue color components for a specified entry in the active logical or virtual palette. Each color component is a value between 0 and 255; increasing values produce more intense colors.


Creates a logical palette containing the specified colors.


Translates color values from the "0 to 63" range used by DOS 256-color graphics modes to the "0 to 255" range used by Windows.


Converts RGB color components to a suitable color value. When used with a 256-color virtual buffer, finds the closest matching color in the logical palette.


Dynamically defines the display settings (resolution and color depth).


Checks if the user's system supports a given display resolution and color depth combination.


Loads the specified logical palette into the current device context and maps its colors to the system palette (this process is called realizing a logical palette). After an application realizes a logical palette, pixels in virtual buffers will appear in those colors when displayed.


Establishes the current color by specifying a logical palette index for 256-color virtual buffers, or an encoded RGB value for direct color virtual buffers.


Establishes the current color by specifying its RGB color components.


Defines the color values for a block of contiguous entries in the active logical or virtual palette by specifying their red, green, and blue color components. Defining many color values with fg_setdacs() is considerably faster than doing so individually with fg_setrgb().


Defines the color values for a single entry in the active logical or virtual palette by specifying its red, green, and blue color components.


Extracts the red, green, and blue color components from an encoded 16-bit or 32-bit RGB color value.


Copies the colors from the current logical palette into the active virtual buffer's color table (meaningful only for 256-color virtual buffers). This defines a new set of colors for the active virtual buffer.


Defines the default virtual buffer color depth in bits per pixel.

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