
Win32 DirectX Fastgraph/Light


void fg_paste (void *bitmap, void *section, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int sec_width, int sec_height);

Sub fg_paste (bitmap() As Any, section() As Any, ByVal xpos As Long, ByVal ypos As Long, ByVal width As Long, ByVal sec_width As Long, ByVal sec_height As Long)

procedure fg_paste (var bitmap, section; xpos, ypos, width, sec_width, sec_height : integer);


The fg_paste() function inserts a 256-color bitmap section into a 256-color bitmap.


bitmap is the name of the array containing the bitmap into which fg_paste() will insert the bitmap section.

section is the name of the array containing the bitmap section. This bitmap is not modified in any way.

xpos is the x coordinate that defines where to insert the bitmap section within bitmap. The bitmap section's left edge will be at this position.

ypos is the y coordinate that defines where to insert the bitmap section within bitmap. The bitmap section's bottom edge will be at this position.

width is the width of bitmap in pixels.

sec_width is the bitmap section width in pixels.

sec_height is the bitmap section height in pixels.

Return value




See also

fg_cut(), fg_pastedcb()

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copyright 2001 Ted Gruber Software, Inc.