
Win32 DirectX Fastgraph/Light


void fg_shear (void *source, void *dest, int width, int height, int new_size, int type);

Sub fg_shear (source() As Any, dest() As Any, ByVal width As Long, ByVal height As Long, ByVal new_size As Long, ByVal type As Long)

procedure fg_shear (var source, dest; width, height, new_size, type : integer);


The fg_shear() function shears a 256-color bitmap. Shearing may be thought of as anchoring one corner of an image and stretching the opposite corner horizontally or vertically.


source is the name of the array containing the 256-color bitmap to be sheared.

dest is the name of the array that will receive the resulting sheared bitmap.

width is the source bitmap width in pixels. It must be greater than zero.

height is the source bitmap height in pixels. It must be greater than zero.

new_size is the width in pixels (for horizontal shears) or height in pixels (for vertical shears) of the resulting dest bitmap. It must be at least as large as the corresponding dimension in the source bitmap.

type is a code indicating the shear type and direction, as shown here:

0 = Horizontal shear to the left (bottom edge is stretched to the right)

1 = Horizontal shear to the right (top edge is stretched to the right)

2 = Vertical shear to the left (left edge is stretched up)

3 = Vertical shear to the right (right edge is stretched up)

Return value



The maximum allowable width or height of source and dest is 8,192 pixels.

See also




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copyright 2001 Ted Gruber Software, Inc.