
Win32 DirectX Fastgraph/Light


void fg_swtext (char *string, int n, int justify);

Sub fg_swtext (ByVal string As String, ByVal n As Long, ByVal justify As Long)

procedure fg_swtext (string : string; n, justify : integer);


The fg_swtext() function is a scaled down version of fg_swchar(). It does not include the alternate font character definitions and thus requires less memory than fg_swchar().


string is the sequence of characters to display. It may contain special operators, as summarized in the following table.




Superscript the next character


Subscript the next character


Begin underlining characters until another underscore character is encountered

n is the number of characters in string, including any special operator characters.

justify determines how string is positioned relative to the current position. If justify is negative, string is left justified; if it is zero, string is centered; if it is positive, string is right justified.

Return value



Before using this function, you must use fg_initw() and fg_setworld() to establish a 2D world space coordinate system.

See also

fg_initw(), fg_setangle(), fg_setratio(), fg_setsize(), fg_setsizew(), fg_setworld(), fg_swchar(), fg_swlength()

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