Installing Fastgraph/Fonts

This section explains how to use the SETUP program to load Fastgraph/Fonts and its related files on a hard disk. SETUP lets you select the compilers you wish to use and also gives you the opportunity to load example programs specific to those compilers.

Place the distribution disk in any available diskette drive, select Run from the Windows Start menu, type A:\SETUP, and press Enter (replace "A" with the name of your diskette drive if necessary). Once SETUP begins, just follow the directions on each screen.

The SETUP program will ask you for the compilers you'll use with Fastgraph/Fonts, as well as the directory names for utilities, libraries, and include files. For the utilities, the default directory is C:\FGFW60. For the include files and libraries, we recommend using directories where the compiler you've chosen normally searches for such files. SETUP will automatically try to determine these directories and propose them as defaults.

You can install support for additional compilers at any time. If you choose to do this, you should use the command SETUP /L to avoid copying the files common to all environments.

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