Watcom C/C++

You can compile and link Watcom C/C++ programs from the DOS command line or from the Watcom IDE. The following Fastgraph libraries are compatible with Watcom C/C++:


Win32 library


Win32 library with DirectX support

To build Fastgraph applications in the Watcom IDE, you must create a project that includes the name of each C and CPP source file comprising your application. Most importantly, the project must also include the name of the Fastgraph library for the selected platform. Refer to your Watcom C/C++ manuals or on-line help for complete information about projects.

To compile and link from the DOS command line, use the WCL386 command:

WCL386 <file> /l=nt_win /bt=nt {FGWWC32.LIB|FGWWC32D.LIB}

If you're using the Watcom IDE, the method of creating Win32 programs differs slightly between Watcom C/C++ 10.0 and later versions. For version 10.0, choose "Win32 (NT)" as the target environment when setting up the project. For later versions, choose "Win32 (NT/Win95/Win32s)".

For more information about compiling and linking Watcom C/C++ programs, please refer to the Watcom C++ User's Guide and the Watcom C++ Programmer's Guide.

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