3D Graphics Fundamentals

This section will cover the Fastgraph functions designed for three-dimensional (3D) programming. We'll start off with Fastgraph's 3D geometry system, which lets you set up a 3D coordinate system and move or rotate objects in 3D space and then project them to the screen, as well as control the viewer's position and orientation (direction). Then we'll define and discuss some important 3D concepts such as visual surface determination, 3D clipping, polygon culling, Gouraud shading, and texture mapping. Next it's on to the functions for creating and managing texture maps and z-buffers, followed by Fastgraph's simplified 3D functions for displaying 3D objects. We'll finish with brief descriptions of Fastgraph's low-level 3D functions.

A complete discussion of 3D programming is beyond the scope of the help file. We'll of course show how to use Fastgraph's 3D functions, but for in-depth information about 3D principles and theory, you'll need to consult other sources. A good place to start is the Fastgraph 3D tutorial at http://www.fastgraph.com/tutorial. We also list recommended 3D reference books at http://www.fastgraph.com/books.

Unless otherwise specified, all concepts presented in this section apply to both Fastgraph's native and DirectX libraries.

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